Aim with Confidence with
Interested in Offering BowProtect™?
Let's Connect

Protection Plan Solutions Designed  for Bows and Crossbows! Designed for all types of bows: compound, crossbow, or recurve.




Safeware Partners with Archery Suppliers Nationwide to offer BowProtect™

Customers invest a great deal of time and money in their bows and crowssbows, and they expect them to last for years to come. BowProtect™ provides the extra layer of protection needed to ensure that they do.


Features & Benefits

Covered Components

Cams, modules, limb sets, string stops, sights, arrow rests, quivers, and stabilizers.

Parts & Labor

All parts and labor cost are included in the plan.

Accidental Damage Protection

Dropped bow? Split limb? Dinged cam? BowProtect™ has you covered!

Mechanical Failure

Coverage for mechanical issues that may occur.

Manufacturer's Defects

Protection for unintended defects caused by the manufacturing process.

Transferable Plans

If a bow is sold, BowProtect™ can be passed on to the new owner! 


*Exclusions and Limitations apply. Please see terms and conditions for complete coverage details. Terms available by calling 1-800-546-2109.

Interested in Offering BowProtect™ to Your Customers?

As a trusted partner, we're excited to present BowProtect™, a protection plan designed specifically for bows in the event of damage or failure. By offering BowProtect™ to your customers, you'll be providing them with peace of mind and an unmatched level of support.


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