Can't Find Your Card? No Problem, Let's Get Your Plan Registered! Please provide the following information.

Thank you for purchasing a Safeware Protection Plan! Please follow the prompts below and fill in all fields so we can register your Protection Plan.

MM/DD/YYYY (example: 09/30/2018)

Your Information


Device Information

MM/DD/YYYY (example: 09/30/2018)


Safeware recommends using your current home address when creating your coverage contract. This address is likely to change less frequently than a campus/dorm address when living on campus.

Your email address will be used to provide you with a confirmation of coverage once this registration process is complete. This will also be the address we use to communicate with you during the claims process.

Many devices have the serial number listed on the bottom side of the device. If not, you can find this number in your standard device settings.

If you received a Tech Support card with the purchase of your plan, there's a promo code on the back of your card that enables your free tech support.

Take a photo of the back of your Tech Support card and email that picture, along with your name and Safeware Protection Plan card number to for support.