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iPhone and Smartphone Insurance

iPhones and smartphones have become an essential learning tool for students around the country, and 1-to-1 programs continue to expand. But like any device, they're prone to damage and failure. Protect your investment with Safeware today!

Let Safeware protect your iPhones and Smartphones today. Check out our options for every budget and planning scenario!

Let Us Protect Your Investment So You Can Focus on Educating Students.

With more than 38 years of experience protecting technology in education, you can rest assured you have the right partner in Safeware.

Laptop Coverages Available

  • Accidental Damage / ADP - Drops, falls, spills, and other unexpected events.
  • Mechanical Failure - Device failure during normal use.
  • Manufacturer's Defect - A unintended defect caused by the manufacturing process.
  • Theft, Burglary & Robbery - All 3 are part of our standard theft coverage.
  • Fire, Flood & Vandalism - Comprehensive coverage that can only be provided via insurance.
  • Power Surge - Failure resulting from a surge in electricity to the device.

Features & Benefits

  • Parts & Labor - Plan covers all parts and labor of covered repairs.
  • No Deductibles or Service Fees - Unlike some manufacturer's plans, Safeware's standard plans have no unexpected out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Flexible Term Options - Multiple terms to match the refresh cycle of your business.
  • No Lemon Guarantee - If the same component fails more than 3 times on a covered device, we'll replace it.

Service Options

  • Onsite Repair - Select devices qualify for onsite service delivered by Safeware authorized service providers
  • Courier Service - Leverage Safeware's courier service provided by Safeware Authorized Service Network
  • Carry-In Service - Leverage Safeware’s Authorized Service Network of retail repair centers.
  • Advanced Exchange Available on select devices.
  • Depot Repair - Safeware will provide shipping labels for depot repair shipments.
  • Self-Servicing* - Safeware will reimburse you for costs associated with covered repairs.

*Valid service agreement required

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Requesting a quote is quick and easy. We just need a few pieces of information to provide you with a customized no-obligation quote!

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Have a Blended Deployment? No Problem! We Cover a Variety of Device Types.

Whether it's a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or other, we have a program for you.